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Markedets råeste line nå i multicolor! Sena bytter farge hver 10. meter.
Introducing J-BRAID x8 GRAND, the new Ultimate Braid in Daiwa’s J-Braid Family. Strong, and resistant to abrasion yet well-bodied enough to lay smoothly on the spool. J-Braid x8 GRAND line is a complete line up of high quality 8 carrier braid made of the finest materials from Japan. J-BRAID x8 GRAND is spun with Izanas, a state-of-the-art new material utilizing 8 Carriers. These 8 carriers are supple yet with Izanas they’re 4 times as abrasion resistant as a typically tougher 4 carrier.
Tykkelse | Bruddstyrke |
0,10 | 4,1 kg |
0,13 | 5,9 kg |
0,16 | 8,1 kg |
0,18 | 9,1 kg |
0,20 | 11,8 kg |
0,22 | 17,0 kg |
0,24 | 18,1 kg |
0,28 | 26,3 kg |
0,35 | 35,8 kg |
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På lager i0,22mm, 0,16mm, 0,18mm, 0,20mm, 0,28mm, 0,35mm, 0,24mm
Introducing J-BRAID x8 GRAND, the new Ultimate Braid in Daiwa’s J-Braid Family....
459,- -
På lager i0,28mm, 0,24mm
Introducing J-BRAID x8 GRAND, the new Ultimate Braid in Daiwa’s J-Braid Family....
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